CarriersEdge courses address mental health, personal security

by Today's Trucking

CarriersEdge has added courses that address mental health challenges and personal security issues that truck drivers may encounter.
The Mental Health course is designed to increase awareness about mental health challenges and provide drivers with solutions to improve their mental well-being on the road. After completing the course, drivers will be able to: explain the difference between good mental health and mental illness; list the challenges that commonly affect them; describe how lifestyle choices can affect mental health; and list methods to support good mental health on the road.

By the end of the Personal Security course, drivers will be able to: recognize situations that pose a threat to their personal security; describe methods thieves can use to target their load; explain why cargo theft is difficult to prevent and how to protect themselves at each stage of the delivery process; describe how to de-escalate potentially threatening situations; and explain when they should use self-defence.

The courses are available to customers at no extra charge, as part of the CarriersEdge subscription service.

(Original Article - CarriersEdge courses address mental health, personal security - Truck News)