Healthy Eating 1
One way to a healthier lifestyle is to be mindful of what and how we are eating. It starts with planning, not just planning what you will eat but also planning when you eat and how much to eat. Start by making the time and space to prepare your weekly...
Healthy Eating, Mindful Eating Habits
Healthy Eating – Mindful Eating Food Plate
Use the proportions of foods on the Canada’s food guide plate as a tool to help you make healthy meals or snacks. Step 1: Make half your plate vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits should always make up the largest proportion of the foods you eat...
Healthy Eating 2
Maybe we “ate our feelings” and gained those extra pounds during lockdown and over the holidays, reaching for comfort foods and unhealthy snacks to compensate for being lonely, stressed, worried. Perhaps convenience foods, take out and restaurant choices were eaten more often. Without moderation, these choices can contribute to weight gain. Have you been shocked by...
Healthy Eating 3
Let’s not forget the little ones! The Canada Food Guide recommends that toddlers eat: plenty of fruits and vegetable. Make them interesting by providing a variety of colours and shapes! plenty of whole grains, such as cereal, toast, rice, and pasta for energy plant based proteins and lean meats that provide energy and help to build...