Healthy Eating 1
One way to a healthier lifestyle is to be mindful of what and how we are eating. It starts with planning, not just planning what you will eat but also planning when you eat and how much to eat.
Start by making the time and space to prepare your weekly meal plan. Perhaps a week is too long or too short, no worries, adjust to what works for you!
Write down your meal ideas; pull out your favourite recipes and add some new ideas to the mix. Put all your needed ingredients, with the quantities required, on your grocery list. This will help you to stay on track at the grocery store and avoid overbuying.
It isn’t always easy to make healthy food choices when on a budget. Too often the unhealthy choices are the least expensive options. It takes time and planning to eat healthier on a budget. Watch for sales and plan your weekly meals based on what is on sale. If you can, buy in bulk when there are great deals.
The benefits of planning include reducing the amount of sugar and sodium, reducing processed foods, and eating more fruits and vegetables. And of course, there is the satisfaction from knowing you are setting and keeping to your goals!
When meal planning don’t forget to think about:
- healthy snacks and meals
- who will be there for what meals
- who is cooking, and
- how much time you/they have to prepare and cook the meals
- Are there overlapping ingredients-this can reduce preparation time and reduce food waste
Invite everyone to add to the grocery list. Isn’t it so much better to know when the milk is running low instead of finding out when it's gone?
Check out the Canada Food Guide for more ideas on how to plan, shop for, prepare and eat healthier foods.
Tips for healthy eating - Canada's Food Guide