Wellness Articles

A Message On Distracted Driving

Too Fast…Too Distracted…Too Often   Picture this… Warm weather is finally here, you’re cruising down the highway, window down, a tune from your past on the radio…as you speed up, time seems to slow down. Life is great, the moment is almost perfect.   Your phone dings…you...

For Our Drivers – New Course Available

CarriersEdge courses address mental health, personal securityby Today's TruckingFebruary 9, 2023CarriersEdge has added courses that address mental health challenges and personal security issues that truck drivers may encounter.The Mental Health course is designed to increase awareness about mental health challenges and provide drivers with solutions to improve...

Habit Stacking

Habit Stacking January is a time when we think about change and set resolutions and goals.  But how many times have you made a resolution in January only to find yourself sinking back into old habits by February…or March?  The long, cold, dark days don’t lend...

Self Talk

Self Talk Could you ever imagine that wisdom might come from pop culture? If you are old enough to be part of the early 90s you might remember Stuart Smalley from Saturday Night Live who practiced daily affirmations including the oft quoted “I am good...

Becky’s Lessons

Becky's Story I am writing this from my whole family in an effort to impart 3 lessons we learned recently through the tragic loss of one of our own.Her name was Becky, and she was 48 years old (just) and she passed suddenly on March...
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